How to lift your FRS/BRZ properly

Honestly we have gotten this call – Better be safe that sorry and as always if you are not sure seek a local mechanic shop.
We thought this would be important to know as now a days many people with little to no knowledge on car safety attempt to work on their own car whether it is to save money or gain experience and lack general knowledge of safety. We have been asked how do you jack up a FRS/BRZ that is why we feel this important to share this information. Safety is very important anytime you go under a car. We are only sharing this information and are not responsible for any damages you may do if you perform the work without a professional.
Support locations
(1) Jack-up point
• Pantograph jack
When storing the jack holder after use, store with the jack handle mount of the jack facing the inside of the trunk.
(1) Jack-up point
(1) Hook for tie-down (2) Tie-down hole
• Chain direction at tie-down condition
• Pull the front and rear of the vehicle in the opposite direction, and pull the left and right of the vehicle in the same direction.
• Patterns except for the followings (recommended) are not allowed.